Monday, December 31, 2012

Cherish Every Gift

In my 3rd year of being a part of this ministry, now as the Coordinator of the team, I still very much am impacted by what we do and how I am being formed. Here is an excerpt of an article I recently wrote for our newsletter about the gifts that this ministry gives to us:

I vividly remember Christmas as a child and being the first to run downstairs and see all the gifts.  At first sight, some of these presents were magnificent, extraordinary, but alas, only to be forgotten by me, and set aside days later.  I have since learned to not set my gifts aside and to always cherish those little gifts as well.

On SPIRITUS, we are challenged to grow closer to Jesus and unwrap the gifts He has for us.  If you are like me, you might wait for that big present in an answered prayer or a revelation or a sweet feeling, but I think it is the little signs of His love that help me grow closer to Him.  Through SPIRITUS, I witness team members, youth and young adults growing closer to Jesus and unwrapping new life.

In our Inspire and Teen Disciples bi-monthly gatherings, the youth and young adults are challenged to take their questions, and find the answers through the Scriptures, and teachings of our Church.  Sometimes it can have them reaching really deep inside confronting personal struggles.  One young adult recently expressed the struggles he faced.  SPIRITUS encouraged him to stay strong in faith and not to be discouraged for that is what Satan wants.  The new life that rushed into him was like a breath of fresh air.  This new awareness was a gift for this young man and a gift for the team to witness the new life that God gives.

The team recently traveled two hours away to give a daylong retreat to 3rd-5th graders and then back home in time to go to three different locations to give evening programs.  The team was tired and worn out, but you could see a definite sign of the Holy Spirit working in them filling them with life.  With new life they inspired teens and young adults to unwrap the gift of Jesus in their lives.  So let us anticipate with great joy the little gifts God wants to grant us and to experience His life in the Holy Spirit.

God Bless,

Mark Rose, SPIRITUS Coordinator

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