Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Transformed From The Inside Out

This Ministry is impacting students in so many different ways. Each retreat has left me in awe of how God works in incredible ways, seeing the changes in the students faces, in their attitudes and most importantly a change of heart. I see so much potential in the youth today, so much passion, and a craving for change in the world we live in, that's where this ministry has it biggest BAM! This ministry is full of variety with the personal stories of the team members, small groups (students opening up and sharing a little bit of their life with us), 1:1 prayer (allowing the Holy Spirit to be with us, letting Him guide us through prayer), praise and worship (allowing the students to be silly, and out of their comfort zone), in these essential ways of using our faith in everyday life. One student mentioned, "being here has been a wonderful experience, it has taught us how our faith really is." That right there is very necessary telling the truth about our Catholic faith, sharing the stories, those real personal stories, letting them see that they are not alone, there are others in their classroom, in this world that have similar struggles. There is hope, and most importantly life does change when you let Jesus into your heart.

Now where to even begin, on how this ministry has impacted me, its been 4 months with SPIRITUS, it has been busy-wonderful four months of my life thus far. It has been challenging in so many areas but very trans-formative in others. I have grown so much, in prayer, ministry, community, formation, direction and most importantly, I've experienced a change of heart. This is why I am such an advocate for experiences from Jesus’s heart to our own.  I've been changed from the inside out as we say on retreat. I am more open, I am letting people in (in community and students on retreat), I am more determined, peaceful, courageous, joyful and confident. In allowing Jesus to work in me, He is molding me with a heart for Ministry. For that I am eternally grateful. I'm here because of Him, to bring others to Him and our faith. 

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