Friday, April 29, 2016

What Makes You Happy?

Even missionaries have off days. I think the weather of winter was seriously starting to get to me as blue skies and warm breezes began to remind me of my freedom-seeking desires to be outdoors and the overflowing happiness I receive from the simplicity of nature.
On top of that, my life routines became just that…routine. And the hum drum became even more accepted as “just life” as I started to stay up a little later, eat the extra cookie, and avoid that conversation I knew I needed to have with a friend…you get the idea. I think it’s fair to say we’ve all been there? Ergo, I had to make some changes.
I confess, I didn’t find this picture till just now so I didn’t explicitly use this method on myself but I did pray with these very things to solve my dilemma. I was craving a fuller life and not achieving it in a way that met my expectations.  Truth bomb, doing “holy things” (whatever that means) is not enough to be happy. I know I already knew that and I think you do too but my actions told me some part of me was still missing the point.
So here is my two cents. Have you reevaluated what makes you happy recently? Are you seeking it? Are you settling for less? Now is the perfect time for me to rediscover my Lord, my Happiness, again in human things like hikes and above all in spiritual encounters like adoration. “The glory of God is man fully alive.” (St. Irenaeus) As I dive back into a real life of joy and happiness I hope you may find the courage to do the same. To God be the glory! 
Peace in Christ, Theresa

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