Monday, February 8, 2016


For over the past five months my teammates and I will have been partaking in the SPIRITUS Mission and within this period of time I have witnessed a spiritual transformation in myself. On the one hand, being here at SPIRITUS has made me realize that prayer is what keeps our lives grounded and it should never be substituted by our other daily activities. On the other hand, my ongoing spiritual transformation is the result of SPIRITUS having invested in my spiritual well-being. 

SPIRITUS has provided me with a spiritual director, who I meet with once a month. This is a wonderful opportunity that allows me to deepen my faith life and relationship with God. Moreover, it helps me pinpoint areas within my faith life that I am struggling with in which I can then address and improve on. Both the regularity of prayer and spiritual direction have had and are still having tremendous roles in my spiritual transformation.

Aside from my personal spiritual transformation, I have witnessed as a SPIRITUS team member awe inspiring moments while on retreat with Catholic youth. For example, I will never forget my first retreat in which a young man asked my teammate, Zach, and I to pray over him and before we began to pray he said to us, “I want to be happy. You guys just seem so happy, and I want that.” I share this moment every time I am asked the question of how is your time at SPIRITUS going because this moment is a testament to the need for the SPIRITUS Mission in the Catholic Church. 

Our Catholic youth today do not have a sense of true fulfillment or lasting joy in their lives. However, SPIRITUS is committed to changing that – we are committed to planting the seed of faith that we both pray and hope will sprout up into a deep and real relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. 


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