Monday, September 5, 2011

Gearing Up for Retreats!

Happy Labor Day!

I can hardly believe we're already into our third week at Mount Tabor! When I got on the plane in Orlando, Florida on August 21, I had no idea what to expect. I didn't realize that training would be so busy, or that the Holy Spirit would start pouring out such incredible blessings so quickly!

I'm loving Wisconsin, even though it's a bit of a change from what I'm used to. The weather cooled off a little bit this weekend, and it's a good reminder that I have my first real winter ahead of me. I'm pretty excited about this! (Snowball fights! Sledding! Hot Chocolate!)

Since arriving, the team has been pretty busy, as Mark already mentioned. But it's all for the greater glory of God! We've been training hard so that, when retreats start in less than a week, we will be fully prepared for the Holy Spirit to use us to ignite faith in Catholic youth!

Even though we have been working hard, it's been a great experience so far! I already mentioned that the Holy Spirit has been pouring out incredible blessings; the best of these has been the opportunity to participate daily in the communal prayer of the Church! From today's Morning Prayer: "One day within Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere." (Psalm 84:10a). As a member of SPIRITUS, I get to spend every day in God's courts!


1 comment:

  1. Our first month flew by very quickly. Trust me, you will not even blink halfway before you find your 9 months completed.

    (Team Two)


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