Friday, February 14, 2014

Why retreats?

After being apart of over 40 or so retreats this year, I have found that it is very important for us in our ministry to step back and reflect on why we do the work that we do.
First off, why put on retreats? 

The sole purpose of a Christian retreat is to take time from the busyness of life in order to reconnect with the Lord. As simple as that may sound, I have found that when I am caught up in the busyness of our ministry I can sometimes forget this essential purpose. I can become distracted and look at our retreats as opportunities for us to educate students on our faith and bring them insightful stories, when in reality what is really happening is much more spiritual than that.

What we are really doing is planting seeds of conversion and offering students an opportunity to renew their relationships with Christ, our Lord.

As I reflect on my own experiences on retreat when I was in the student's shoes back in high school, I recall many occurrences when I felt that renewal of reconnecting with God. I always felt a joy and peace afterwards, which always came unexpectedly (because I rarely would go into retreats very enthusiastically). Although I would often times stray away from the spiritual life shortly after, I am so thankful for those opportunities because I truly know that they eventually led me to a deep conversion of heart to our Lord.

It is truly a blessing to see students undergo that same transformation I experienced while I am the one leading them on retreats. This spiritual conversion, which we witness in students, is why we put on retreats and why I look forward to many more to come.

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