Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Power of One

Hello bloggers! I hope life finds you doing well, loving this wintery weather. I sure am, haha. I've been meditating one the phrase above, "The Power of One," seems to be everywhere these days. Especially in a conversation I had with one my sisters in Christ. As we were talking, it was wonderful to see that someone else shared the same thought, "Even if I only touched one kid's heart during this year, that's a job well done." Well something to that matter. Hold on to that thought.

We're in the busiest time of ministry with many retreats, bible studies, youth ministry events, with all of that a thought creep-ed into my mind, "Am I really making a difference?" Granted those are are all lies from Satan. As I met with my Spiritual Director last week she said that JESUS Christ was that ONE. It all started coming together. Jesus Christ made the ONE sacrifice on the cross for us. Jesus Christ is the ONE whom loves us with that agape love. How blessed are we to have someone grow through that.... He is the ONE we live for. His death and resurrection is little pieces  that we go through in our lives, its the mystery of our faith. Jesus Christ will be the ONE to touch the hearts of all the youth we minister to. How beautiful is that.

Even though these doubts may cross our minds from time to time, let us remember Jesus Christ is the ONE, He made all things new and continues to do so. For this and so much more, I am so thankful. Let us go be examples of Christ to one another, striving to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Thank you and God Bless. Have a blessed week.

"One SONG can spark a moment. One FLOWER can wake the dream. One TREE can start a forest. One BIRD can herald spring. One SMILE begins a friendship. One HANDCLASP lifts a soul. One STAR can guide a ship at sea. One WORD can frame the goal. One VOTE can change a nation. One SUNBEAM lights a room. One CANDLE wipes out darkness. One LAUGH will conquer gloom. One STEP must start each journey. One WORD must start a prayer. One HOPE will raise our spirits. One TOUCH can show you care. One VOICE can speak with wisdom. One HEART can know what is true. One LIFE can make a difference." -- Author Unknown --

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