Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Day in the Life of the SPIRITUS Team: Tuesday Edition

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today is our day off. Since our weekends are usually filled with retreats, our day off is in the middle of the week. Our days off are usually just days for us to rest so we are ready for whatever comes our way the rest of the week! My day off started with Eucharistic adoration, rosary, and Mass next door at St. Mary’s. It was then a snowy walk back to Mount Tabor for some delicious eggs for breakfast thanks to Kate! Most of the rest of the day was spent catching up on some reading, writing letters to friends and family, laundry, cleaning and other projects. One of the projects I spent time on was digging my car out of the pile of snow it was buried under. Oh, Wisconsin winters! My night ended by a much needed phone call with my roommate from college then dinner and a movie with my wonderful SPIRITUS sisters before heading to bed early.

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