Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Day in the Life of the SPIRITUS Team: Thursday Edition

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Another snowy morning! This morning the whole team headed to St. Bernard’s for morning Mass. We try to attend Mass at many parishes around the area during the week which gives us a chance to meet many different people and be a presence at numerous parishes. After Mass, we headed back to Mount Tabor for Morning Prayer followed by breakfast before formation. Every Thursday we have spiritual formation where someone comes in to teach us about various topics related to the spiritual life or the ministry. Today we were lucky enough to have Sister Margaret from CYE (Catholic Youth Expeditions) come and lead formation for us. It is always a treat for us when she comes because she brings with her such a joy and peace and she is always filled with such insight! She talked about radical gratitude and the necessity of gratitude in the spiritual life. While it is easy to be grateful when things are going well, we must strive to be grateful during those times of suffering or when things are not going our way. God is goodness and He loves us with an overflowing love so we must trust in Him through good and bad.

I left formation motivated by Sister Margaret’s words! I then headed to lunch and then had a one on one with one of my teammates, Michael. It is important for us as a community that we stay connected with each and every member of the team. Sometimes with our crazy busy schedules we don’t get a chance to check in with every member of the team and see how they are doing. That’s why we do one on ones from time to time where you just spend time with a member of the team and discuss what is going on in your lives. It was great to catch up with Michael!

The rest of my afternoon was spent with Julie in Oshkosh at spiritual direction with Sister Anne Marie Lom. Each and every member of the team has a spiritual director that they see once a month. Spiritual direction is an opportunity for you to share with another person how God is working in your life and whatever is on your heart regarding your spiritual life and your relationship with God. It is really helpful to be able to talk to someone outside of the ministry about anything and everything related to your relationship with Jesus.

After we got back from spiritual direction, us girls spent the rest of the evening together. We had a delicious dinner followed by faith sharing. Every couple of weeks we, as a sisterhood, get together and discuss a topic about the faith. Tonight, we talked about humility. We had a really great discussion about the ways that we struggle with humility and used quotes from St. Teresa of Avila to help us find ways to combat pride in our lives. It is wonderful to be able to take some time out of our day as SPIRITUS girls to share together!

1 comment:

  1. It is a joy to be a spiritual director for 2 of the SPIRITUS team. Last year I had one directee from the team. I am filled with awe and gratitude for youthful enthusiasm (being full of God) and openness.


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