Friday, September 14, 2012


Hi everyone,

      I just want to wish all you guys a happy start to a new year of SPIRITUS.  My name is Robbie and I am very excited to be part of this wonderful experience of the New Evangelization that Blessed Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI have called for.  Please keep all of us in your prayers so we can serve the youth with that love that Christ has called us to live.  We strive to follow in the footsteps of Christ so all the support is much appreciated.  At this time what I would like to do is to give you a challenge piece that you can implement in your life to get closer to Jesus Christ.  

“What Would Jesus Do?”

     This phrase might sound cliché to our egocentric, power-hungry, sex-crazed society, but these four words could literally transform this world. In the book, In His Steps, Charles Sheldon writes a fictional story about some people doing a challenge that is for a year they will have to make every decision of their lives based on what would Jesus do in this situation and then carry it out no matter the consequence.

     As the story unfolds the town starts to transform itself from a self-righteous Christian community to a community that actually practices core Christian values. By the time you come to the end of the book you find that this movement has crossed the nation and is spreading. This story does not need to be just that: a story.

     Look around you. Do you really think that Jesus would approve of what you are doing and how you are living? We sometimes forget that Jesus was human too. He already experienced everything that we experience. "For hereunto were ye called; because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that ye should follow in his steps." (1 Pet 2:21) He should be our example on how we live our lives for Jesus says “learn from me for I am meek and humble” or “take up your cross and follow me”. What is sad is that we have become complacent with our lives as Christians and pat ourselves on the back when we give that second collection to the poor believing that we are living the Gospel message and changing the world. Hogwash!

     To change the world, we need to live Christ’s message. Just like Sheldon says, "Are we ready to make and live a new discipleship? Are we ready to reconsider our definition of a Christian? What is it to be a Christian? It is to imitate Jesus. It is to do as He would do. It is to walk in His steps." Can you take the challenge?

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