Thursday, July 2, 2015

Here's to the Best Friendships!

Hello Blog Readers!

It's been pretty quiet here on the blog since all of Team 6 is gone except me. I'm working here at the Mount Tabor Center for another month as the Coordinator for the Totus Tuus program for the Diocese of Green Bay but also helping to prepare as Team 7 begins their journey of SPIRITUS in a little over a month and a half!!

As I'm sitting here in Menasha at the Mount Tabor Center, where I've spent most of my days these past three years, I am reminded of how blessed I am. How blessed these past three years have been. I can go on and on and tell you about how much I've learned about ministry, evangelization and leadership (because I've learned SO MUCH) but in reality, it's the relationships that come to my mind right now. The relationships with the students, of course, and the staff (they are all so awesome and we couldn't do this ministry without them!!!), but also with the young adults I've spent my time with in this mission. Some of the best friendships I've ever had are with my teammates from the past three years and I'm forever grateful for that. These friendships are based on faith, on joy, on loving one another the best we can. And to be honest, I'm not sure I believed these types of friendships existed until I found them on SPIRITUS. I even think about today and the fact that over the course of this morning I've talked to multiple of my teammates through texting, Facebook, email, snapchatting, and even making plans to hang out later this evening. Thank goodness for social media and the internet! Distance doesn't matter, because we have formed such a beautiful bond through SPIRITUS that has only continued to grow after we've gone our separate ways.

So if any of SPIRITUS Team 7 is reading this...get ready! You're entering a unique and wonderful community. Not only with each other as Team 7 but also with all of us alumni that have participated in the mission before you. It's a beautiful thing.

And if any of my friends from SPIRITUS Teams 4, 5, and 6 are reading this...I MISS YOU!

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