Sunday, December 14, 2014

We have Purpose

Yesterday, I was on a Confirmation retreat.  My talk is typically the first one, and I always start with an activity called Four Corners.  In this activity, I read a series of statements and the students move to the corner with the sign (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) that most aligns with their view.  On this particular retreat, when I read the statement “I believe God has a purpose for my life,” every single student in the room agreed, and some strongly agreed.  The words of a student in the Strongly Agree group struck me:  When I asked why he strongly agreed that God had a purpose for his life, he gave this example: “Suppose you’re my friend, and then one day you’re gone.  That impacts my life.  You have a purpose.”  While his example is uses few words, it gives stunning clarity to the idea that our lives have purpose.  We never know how something we say or do can impact another person’s life.  May we always let our words and actions speak Truth and Love.


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