Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Power of Healing

Over the course of this Spiritus year, there has been lots of opportunities to experience healing in our own individual formation. One way that we experience this is through healing prayer. We are fortunate to know a ministry that focuses on giving people a chance to name some of the wounds of their past that need healing and to nail it to the cross. The team facilitates this discussion and allows the people going through a process of freedom from some of these areas that can weigh us down. We had sessions teaching us about some of these concepts, but we also had the priveledge to experience healing prayer over the last two weeks.

It was very powerful and an experience that allowed me personally to feel God's love that much more. This time in prayer pinpoints the way we see things sometimes because of something that happened in our past that we might not remember, specifically in our childhood. In a process of letting go, and forgiving those experiences, this prayer team invokes the Holy Spirit to come down and set the person free from these "judgements". For me, it was very freeing, and a wonderful experience of prayer, releasing me of the judgements I make sometimes because of some of the wounds in my life. This is just another beautiful way we experience growing closer to Christ as we journey throughout the rest of the year.
