Last Tuesday, the 22nd, by the grace of God, SPIRITUS visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. It was an afternoon of prayer, Mass, Confession and learning about the new Mass changes, followed by a special treat: a tutorial on the arts of beat-boxing and break-dancing performed by the one and only Father Jewel.
I don't know if anyone has ever seen a beat-boxing, break-dancing priest (who "threw down" in his cassock, by the way), but it was pretty sweet. It's nice to see how individuals with extremely different backgrounds, talents, and gifts can use them to bring glory to God. Father Jewel is a great example of how God creates every human being so uniquely, and of how each and every one of us is special and how we are made to share our unique gifts with one another. It was a great gift and honor to spend the afternoon at the Shrine. Father Jewel, thank you for inspiring us.
So, moral of the story: If you don't think your gifts and talents can be used for the Church to bring glory to God and inspiration to your brothers and sisters in Christ... Think again.